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RSK brings the new evolution of Bitcoin: reliable smart contracts

Published on: 8 1月, 2018

The first smart contract platform secured by the Bitcoin Network will bring 1 billion people to the financial system

RSK is pleased to announce the release of its open source MainNet Beta Network, the first smart contract platform powered by the Bitcoin Network. RSK brings the flexibility of smart contracts to the Bitcoin Network, the most secure decentralized blockchain in the world. Combining blockchain programmability with the Bitcoin infrastructure will bring endless possibilities to build a more flexible and inclusive financial system that will improve the life of billions of people.

Presenting the open source MainNet Network is a major milestone for RSK as it lays the foundations to build a new era of the Internet based on blockchain technology. The Internet of Value will empower individuals to be in control of their identity and digital assets, while allowing people to send value to each other with no intermediaries, creating a more fair and secure financial system.

RSK unleashed the Genesis block that kicks off the RSK MainNet network on the ninth anniversary of the bitcoin genesis block.

Diego Gutierrez Zaldívar, RSK’s CEO, “We’re very excited to share the RSK MainNet Network with the global community. It’s a great milestone for the company after years of hard work, but this is not only ours, it’s a community success. The RSK project belongs to the whole ecosystem and we need to work together to build the Internet of Value over the Bitcoin Network”.

Together with the release of the Genesis block RSK is promoting its Bug Bounty Program to reward security experts and work with the global developer community feedback. RSK also presented a full getting started guide for business partners and dApp developers.

Bug Bounty Program

Since the inception of the project, the security has been a top priority for RSK. After developing the first open source smart contract platform secured by the Bitcoin Network, the company completed two external audit processes.

A Bug bounty program has been released to the global community of developers inviting every blockchain programmers,  information security experts and as well as audit companies and partners to be part of it, providing feedback and helping to improve the technology.


Getting started

RSK is opening the platform in a staged approach with security as the main concern. A straightforward process was set up for those business partners and developers that want to deploy their solutions on the RSK MainNet.

For more information visit https://blog.rootstock.io/#getting-started

RSK looks forward to seeing projects taking the potential of Blockchain and Smart contracts to the next level: making positive change and impact to the world.

Welcome to a new era. Welcome to the Internet of Value.


RSK Labs is the company behind the Project codenamed RootStock, a smart contract platform with a 2-way peg to the Bitcoin Blockchain. RSK founders have been actively involved in the Bitcoin ecosystem and smart contract development since early 2013. The company was founded in 2015 and its initial white paper was later published on December 2015.

Further information:

Communications Manager /Eugenia Aramburu, eugenia@rsk.co
Head of Business Development/Henry Sraigman, henry@rsk.co