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Blockchain Enterprise Solutions: Decentralized Cloud Services

Published on: 10 June, 2021

Blockchain technology has become one of the most praised technologies over the last years. Alongside the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), distributed ledger technology (DLT) is now among the most potentially revolutionizing solutions that exist. 

Blockchain applications and networks have become incrediby useful to solve daily simple and also complex problems for companies in different industries. Although there have been many headlines related to blockchain technology and clickbait articles, there is clear potential in DLT. 

Hundreds of firms are investing in blockchain technology. Not all of them are trying to solve the same problems and not all of them search for the same solutions. However, it is clear that this multi-million dollar industry is growing at a very fast pace. 

End-user solutions have been the standard in the last few years but companies such as RSK are also offering enterprise solutions for companies interested to dive into blockchain tech. The transformative power of blockchain technology could be translated into more efficient and resilient enterprises. DLT could help improve not only efficiency, traceability, transparency and productivity but it could also improve processes, relationships and the way in which we understand value exchange.

In this post, we will analyze how several firms are offering innovative services and solutions to companies that want to adopt this technology and become leaders in their respective industries. 

Blockchain Use Cases for Companies

Maersk is one of the companies that has adopted blockchain solutions to its business structure thanks to the services provided by a third party.  The shipping giant is now using end-to-end digitized supply chain information that would make its operations easier to conduct, faster and also more secure and transparent. However, one of the most important factors that influenced the adoption of blockchain technology is related to costs saving shipping carriers around 38 USD billion every year. 

A significant percentage of costs for sending containers around the world is just related to paperwork. By reducing the paperwork load, making the whole process much more efficient and reducing points of failure, companies save billions of dollars thanks to blockchain tech.

Enterprise blockchain solutions enable the following for companies:

  • Distributed shared data reducing single points of failure.
  • No need for a middle-man and its associated costs.
  • Immutable transactions and trust enhancement.
  • Security and integrity.

Cloud Solutions for Companies

When we think about cloud solutions for companies, we think of computing services that are delivered to those that need them on-demand. There are several benefits of implementing cloud solutions for companies, including cost reduction, time saving and the possibility to focus on their core business.Top cloud providers in the market include Microsoft Azure, AWS and Google Cloud among others. 

Firms are able to rent their own data centers to other firms that require access to them. These data centers could work as storage centers for applications or any other needs companies could have. This basically entails renting computing solutions from other firms that specialize in cloud systems. At the same time, providers are able to benefit from economies of scale.

Benefits of Cloud Services

As we have already suggested, there are some benefits with cloud computing. Understanding these benefits would later help us to understand the work that is conducting RSK with its Enterprise Cloud solution related to blockchain technology. 

Let’s start with the reduction of IT costs for managing IT systems for firms. When they purchase a third-party service to handle their computing needs, they are delegating all the maintenance and investing costs to the provider of these services.  At the same time, it reduces the costs firms have for running their own IT systems, teams and solutions.

Another benefit of cloud services includes enhanced scalability. The storage that companies require or services they need can easily be adjusted to the reality they face without delays. Additionally, firms can also work in a more efficient way. Several offices located all around the world can get access to the same files and information thanks to cloud computing. This brings flexibility and allows for more advanced working strategies in different industries. 

Cloud Solutions vs Blockchain Technology

Cloud solutions and blockchain technology are literally different terms and concepts. As previously mentioned, blockchain technology records information that is protected cryptographically. This can be done thanks to a decentralized network of nodes. 

Instead, cloud computing makes reference to third-party services related to data storage, IT solutions, etc.  There is a radical difference between these two models: blockchain technology is usually decentralized but cloud solutions are not. However, blockchain tech enables enterprises to have a high degree of control while a the same time using the benefits of blockchain tech and this is exactly where RSK provides an edge for any company willing to explore blockchain tech.

RSK Enterprise Cloud

The RSK Enterprise Cloud platform is powered by Extrimian, a joint venture between IOVlabs and Grupo Sabra that offers blockchain-based enterprise solutions.

RSK Enterprise Cloud is built on top of three main pillars:

  • Unrivalled Ecosystem
  • Distributed Cloud
  • Blockchain Technology

By using the solutions provided by RSK, if parties have to secure information, transact safely, or even share crucial data, the platforms offered by RSK Enterprise Cloud would do all the work for firms. Through an advanced proprietary system, RSK Enterprise Cloud connects and integrates enterprise IT solutions with decentralized networks on-demand. This is linked to the connectivity that companies can have with cloud computing networks and data centers but now focused on blockchain technology and fully decentralized. 

Furthermore, RSK Enterprise Cloud accelerates the pace at which business applications are created. Rather than having a company focused on creating their own application, they are able to rely on third parties such as RSK that can easily improve the development of applications. Additionally, companies that require to implement a governance operating model can also do it seamlessly.

Furthermore, with the help of Extrimian, companies can simply focus on building their solutions rather than expanding their knowledge of blockchain technology. This can be done by relying on RSK Enterprise Cloud and the services that it is providing to companies from all over the world. 

Firms can also run Proof of Concepts and also enterprise-grade blockchain applications. In order to do so, RSK Enterprise Cloud offers a platform that makes it simpler and easier for companies to operate and deploy nodes and connect to permissioned and non-permissioned networks. 

Some of the services offered by RSK Enterprise Cloud include the following:

  • Basic Infrastructure management.
  • Multi-Chain Management.
  • Cybersecurity Operations.
  • Multi-cloud (public and private).
  • Image Library.
  • API and GUI interfaces.

Thanks to these services, the development of business applications can easily be achieved. Finally, the possibilities of the governing structure are multiple. Clients can focus on consortium and participant life cycles, runtime operations, data governance, third party management and many other things such as platform management and infrastructure.

RSK Enterprise Cloud Contribution to Blockchain Technology and Enterprise Solutions


IOV Labs alongside Grupo Sabra launched a blockchain network called Gasnet that is used for the natural gas distribution system in Argentina, a country with more than 45 million people. Although the platform is offering services to 2 million people from the local gas distribution giant Enargas, the goal is to expand the Gasnet solution to all the nine gas distribution companies in Argentina. This could be one of the largest blockchain networks currently offering services to users on an entire country. 

Everything is built on top of the RSK blockchain platform and it records information from transactions. At the same time, Gasnet gathers information about new gas installations and reconnection services connecting customers, gas installers, gas distributors and Enargas. Everything is done using a single platform that relies on blockchain technology which is immutable, secure and efficient. 

The CEO and Co-Founder of IOV Labs, Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar, said about RSK Enterprise Cloud:

“Extrimian gives businesses exposure to the benefits of blockchain technology without the complexity. RSK Enterprise Cloud is a platform created by developers for developers that comes as a result of more than six years implementing blockchain projects within our enterprise and government customers.”

This example shows that not only private companies are able to get exposure to blockchain technology and RSK Enterprise Cloud services but also governments and public companies. It is worth also taking into consideration that both firms have also completed a Proof of Concept with Argentina’s central bank and other organizations such as Banco Santander, the Bank of the Province of Córdoba and the stock exchange BYMA. The goal is to deal with customer claims making it easier to communicate across these institutions. 

Summarizing, RSK Enterprise Cloud offers the possibility (both to the private and public sector) to use blockchain solutions and services on-demand. This is extremely useful for companies that would like to deploy blockchain solutions but do not have the necessary financial and human resources available to execute their strategies. RSK Enterprise Cloud adapts to each of the clients by offering standardized services that can be used in a wide range of industries and sectors.  Companies looking for improved transparency and traceability, can find the perfect ally on RSK Enterprise Cloud.