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Relaunching the Rootstock Ambassador Program

Published on: 24 May, 2024

By Marco Dinis Santos, Rootstock Community Manager

Rootstock Ambassador Program (RAP) is one of the keystones of the community and it is relaunched. If you join, you’ll become a member of an exclusive group that contributes to the growth of Rootstock and helps spread the word about the ecosystem. 

Apply to the Rootstock Ambassador Program now!

What’s the relaunch about?

As this post is being written, the program consists of 20 active members, spread out through 7 countries: Argentina, Australia, Mexico, Nigeria, Spain, USA, and Zimbabwe (in 17 cities!). The goal is to onboard 15 more Ambassadors from 15 new countries by the end of this quarter. This global community of ambassadors is spreading awareness about the ecosystem and the groundbreaking protocols running on top of the leading Bitcoin sidechain.

Rewards and responsibilities

Monetary compensation

As the ambassadors complete tasks, they earn rewards in stablecoins that can range from the equivalent of 10 up to 200 USD per task. 

Exclusive access to events

They also get exclusive access to Rootstock events, networking opportunities, and direct communication with the RootstockLabs team, key Rootstock contributors. 

Swag and more

Other included perks include receiving cool swag and competing for a big end-of-year prize and gaining in-depth knowledge about cutting-edge blockchain projects, becoming an authority in the space.

Last but not least, ambassadors with significant achievements get an honorable mention in the Rootstock Community Newsletter received by over 20,000 people around the world!

And what kind of tasks do ambassadors take on? 

From attending events and hosting your own meetups to creating social media content, moderating Rootstock online communities, and participating in Twitter spaces or podcasts – there are plenty of ways to get involved. You can pitch your ideas!

Become an ambassador

To become a Rootstock ambassador, you should have a deep passion for the Rootstock ecosystem and a willingness to actively advocate for both Rootstock and your favorite protocols built on top of it. An eagerness to learn and share knowledge is key, as is sharing the Rootstock vision of making Bitcoin accessible for everyone. You should also be older than 18 and have a healthy presence on social media. Bonus points if your voice is recognized as a leading one. 

So, if you are ready to apply to the program, fill out the application form now!

Meet a veteran

My journey with Rootstock began two years ago when I joined the Money on Chain team with limited knowledge about the network. From the very start, I met wonderful colleagues who helped me first understand and then share all the great things this Bitcoin sidechain offers. As an ambassador, my role has always focused on building community and emphasizing the human aspect.

In Argentina, my native country, the solutions we offer have tangible benefits. It’s exciting to see how people can solve everyday problems, whether by saving in a currency pegged to the dollar, taking out a loan, or utilizing any of the ways Rootstock can make life a little easier.

Knowing that our work is recognized, from the founders to the people we work with closely, is incredibly gratifying. I have the pleasure of leading a team of colleagues who are fully committed to the ecosystem and to supporting each other. This sense of mutual help is a distinctive feature not found in all communities. I feel incredibly fortunate and grateful to be part of this. I hope I never leave because it truly feels like home.

Cheers to Rootstock! We will keep working hard to spread the message!

Manu Vega, Rootstock ambassador

Buenos Aires, Argentina