Incident report: Rootstock peg-out service outage (Fixed)

Prepared by the RSK Core Development Team.
FINAL UPDATE Jan 28th, 2023:
The Rootstock network’s peg-out service is now fully operational with the activation of the new PowPeg composition and the successful migration of Bitcoin funds. Users can now resume their peg-out operations.
We deeply appreciate the support from the Bitcoin mining community that enabled the successful processing of all prior peg-out operations that were delayed due to the recent incident. All funds have been delivered to users.
We again apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank everyone for their patience.
UPDATE Jan 25th, 2023:
- The Rootstock network’s PowPeg composition change was successfully activated on block #4,998,799.
UPDATE Jan 18th, 2023:
- The Rootstock network will undergo a PowPeg composition change on block #4,998,799. The new PowPeg will activate a new peg-out transaction redeem script that will be recognized as standard by Bitcoin Core nodes.
- This is a critical step in the process of resuming peg-outs. However, after activation, a final step is required, which involves the migration of funds from the old PowPeg Bitcoin address to the new one. This is expected to happen within one week of the new PowPeg activation.
- Full details can be found in this blog post.
UPDATE Jan 17th, 2023:
- The patch network upgrade was successfully activated on block #4,976,300. The Core Development team, in partnership with the Rootstock community, is currently in the final phase of the peg-out service remediation process and will be sharing updates soon.
- With the support of the Bitcoin mining community, most of the pending peg-out transactions have now been processed and funds delivered to the users. However, the peg-out service is not yet operational.
UPDATE Dec 26th, 2022
- RSK Hop patch versions for Mainnet (4.0.1 and 4.1.1 ) have been released.
- The network upgrade activation will happen on block #4,976,300.
- This is the first part of the final process for the peg-outs incident resolution
- Full details can be found in this blog post.
UPDATE Dec 3rd, 2022
- RSKIP 358 is now closed for comments. Release dates for Mainnet patch will be announced soon.
UPDATE Nov 23rd, 2022
- The patch network upgrade was successfully activated on block #3,362,200. We expect the RSK Community to agree on the next steps for the Mainnet patch release.
UPDATE Nov 16th, 2022
- As was previously announced, in preparation for a future Mainnet patch release, we are today making a Testnet-only patch release available to the general public. This new release contains consensus changes; as a consequence, all nodes running on RSK Testnet need to be upgraded. Full details in this blog post.
UPDATE Nov 9th, 2022
- We have successfully concluded the tests for the patch, and we’re preparing the release to be shipped soon.
- Due to its criticality, the release will happen in two stages: we will release a Testnet-only patch first (expected to occur on the week of Nov 14th). After validating that everything is working as expected on Testnet, we will release a Mainnet patch release (no defined dates yet).
- The release candidate version code is available at the following link: Network upgrade activation blocks have not been defined yet.
- The Emergency Network Upgrade RSKIP is still open for comments here:
UPDATE Oct 28th, 2022
- The Emergency Network Upgrade RSKIP is now published and open for comments here: This RSKIP includes links to the proposed consensus changes to be applied in this network upgrade, with the goal of fixing the issue described in this incident report and resuming the RSK peg-out service.
UPDATE Oct 26th, 2022
- As described in our action plan, the pull request to the Bitcoin Core repository has already been published and is open for discussion here:
UPDATE Oct 24th, 2022
- The improvement proposal for the RSK protocol has been published and is open for community discussions at RSKIP-353: Align RSK P2SH redeem script with Bitcoin Core standard transactions checks.
- As described in the Oct 18th update, the final security reviews and the last testing phase are progressing for the RSK client.
UPDATE Oct 18th, 2022
- The changes to the RSK client are undergoing final security reviews and the last testing phase. We estimate this to be finished by the week of Oct 24th, with the goal of having a release ready to be approved by the RSK community. The code can be reviewed in the following pull requests:
- The changes to the Bitcoin Core node are now ready and will be submitted for review in the next few days. The code can be reviewed in the following repository:
- While the peg-out service is reestablished, users can do RBTC to BTC conversions using Sovryn’s FastBTC or Liquality wallet swaps.
The following is the incident report for the RSK peg-out service outage identified on October 4th, 2022. The service has not been resumed at the moment of writing this report. We understand this service issue has impacted the RSK platform users, and we apologize to everyone affected.
Incident Summary
RSK Mainnet Network is experiencing an outage in its peg-out service, preventing users from converting RBTC into BTC through the RSK PowPeg. The root cause of this service disruption is that the peg-out Bitcoin transactions are being considered non-standard by the latest Bitcoin Core client, and as a consequence, most Bitcoin nodes will not include them in their mempool. Consequently, these transactions are not being confirmed on the Bitcoin network.
Root Cause Analysis
On RSK Mainnet block #4,675,281, the network created the first Bitcoin UTXOs containing the PowPeg Time-locked Emergency Multisig (ERP). As described in RSKIP-201, ERP is a PowPeg fallback system introduced in the RSK Iris Network upgrade to be used in case the majority of PowHSMs (Powpeg Hardware Security Modules) fail simultaneously.
The ERP proposal required a change to the peg-out Bitcoin transactions’ scripts, making them longer and more complex. We detected that the RSK P2SH redeem script is mischaracterized as “non-standard” by the Bitcoin Core nodes with the default configuration (technical details about the RSK peg-out transaction script and Bitcoin validations are shared in the next section). Although the transactions are valid from a Bitcoin consensus point of view, default-configured Bitcoin nodes will not include them in their transaction mempool or broadcast them to the rest of the network. As a result, transactions are not being confirmed on the Bitcoin network, even when the pegout process on the RSK network side is completed. This is very well described in this article by James Prestwich:
“Non-standard transactions will not be allowed in the mempool of default-configured nodes, unless they’re included in a block first. As a result, these transactions are not broadcasted or relayed through the network. That said, if a miner sees that transaction, she is free to include it in a block (if it passes all validity checks). All nodes will accept the non-standard transaction once it’s in a block.”
In our understanding, mischaracterizing the RSK P2SH redeem script as non-standard is a bug in the Bitcoin Core client, as similar scripts used within a Segwit P2WSH address are fully allowed. We’ll report this, together with a proposed fix, to Bitcoin developers for careful examination. At the same time, as we need to unblock the peg-out service and provide a solution to the RSK users as soon as possible, we are already working on a solution based on the modification to the redeem script. In case fixing Bitcoin Core is not a quick option, we will submit an emergency network upgrade proposal to the community.
The reason why this bug went undetected until the RSKIP was activated in RSK Mainnet relates to our testing procedures. The ERP feature was thoroughly reviewed and later tested on Bitcoin Testnet, where everything worked as expected. However, the default configuration for Bitcoin Core nodes in Testnet is more relaxed in terms of validations than Mainnet. Consequently, we failed to detect this bug before ERP was released on Mainnet. This has been an important learning lesson for the team; as a result, we have corrected our testing procedures to prevent this class of bugs from ever happening.
Technical Details about the Transaction Script Validation
To characterize a transaction as standard or non-standard, Bitcoin Core tries to estimate the number of signature checks a particular script can potentially request. A maximum of 15 signature checks is allowed. For each CHECKSIG or CHECKSIGVERIFY found in a script, one is added to the signature check counter. For multisigs, the maximum number of checks depends on the number of signatories. When CHECKMULTISIG is executed, this number is at the top of the stack. However, to avoid executing the script to obtain the top of the stack value, Bitcoin Core performs an estimation based on static analysis of the script in the function GetSigOpCount(). However, this analysis is very rudimentary, and it can fail.
The code assumes that the number of signers is pushed into the stack immediately before the checkmultisig opcode. If the previous opcode is not a push opcode, then Bitcoin Core assumes the worst case for each CHECKMULTISIG found, which is 20 signatures (defined by MAX_PUBKEYS_PER_MULTISIG). The problem is that this constant is greater than the maximum number of checks allowed per P2SH redeem script, which means that any P2SH script that uses CHECKMULTISIG must specify the number of signers with a PUSH opcode right before.
This is RSK’s current peg-out transaction script:
We see that there are two script paths and, to reduce the script size, a single CHECKMULTISIG is used for the two paths, separating the signer count from the CHECKMULTISIG opcode. As a reference, the Liquid sidechain uses a very similar script.
We can see here that GetSigOpCount() will find that END_IF is not a push opcode and will assume the number of signature checks is MAX_PUBKEYS_PER_MULTISIG.
You can find references to the Bitcoin Core line codes involved in the standard input check here:
- Number of signature check operations validation
- Number of signature check operations retrieval
- Maximum number of signature check operations in an IsStandard() P2SH script
The RSK Core Development team is taking the following actions to address the underlying causes of the issue and to help prevent recurrence:
- Making the necessary changes to the RSK client implementation code so that the Bitcoin transaction script is considered standard by the Bitcoin Core nodes.
- Analyzing alternatives that could minimize the impact on users until the peg-out service is resumed.
- Submitting a bug report to Bitcoin Core and preparing a PR with a proposed fix for community discussion.
- Reviewing and adjusting internal processes to ensure these sensitive changes are adequately tested on a Bitcoin Mainnet environment before release.
It’s important to emphasize that the most probable outcome for resolving this issue will be the proposal of an emergency network upgrade, which requires all node operators who adhere to these changes to upgrade to a new client version before the network upgrade is activated. At this moment, there is no estimated date of resolution yet. We will keep the RSK community updated about this.
We appreciate your patience until the issue is resolved and apologize for the impact caused to the users.
The RSK Core Development Team