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Rootstock x CoNFT: Guide to Minting Rootstock NFTs on CoNFT

Published on: 2 August, 2024

This article is part of Rootstock’s series “Building DeFi on Bitcoin” exploring different solutions and integrations on the Rootstock blockchain that enable scaling Bitcoin, bringing DeFi capabilities to the world’s first blockchain.

CoNFT, a Multi-chain web3 utility hub, has recently integrated with Rootstock. This integration is bringing users a secure and user-friendly platform to mint and trade NFTs on Bitcoin, swap and bridge tokens, and more. 

Whether you’re new to cryptocurrency or an experienced investor, this guide will help you navigate the coNFT platform.

Guide to minting NFTs on CoNFT

Creating an account

Step 1: Sign up to create an account

Visit the coNFT website and click the “Profile” button to create your account. 

Step 2: Connect your wallet

Step 3: Submit your request.

Minting an NFT

Step 1: Navigate the dashboard

Once logged in, you’ll see your profile on coNFT. Navigate to the Launchpad.

Step 2: Find Rootstock

In the list of supported blockchains, locate Rootstock.

Step 3: Minting

Click the big yellow “Mint” button to start the minting process. If you don’t have enough RBTC to pay for gas, refer to this guide on bridging your tokens to Rootstock.

Support and Community

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Stay connected with other investors and keep up-to-date with the latest news by joining the coNFT community on socials.

Keeping Your Account Safe

Always remember to log out from coNFT when accessing your account from public or shared computers to ensure your account remains secure.

About CoNFT

CoNFT is a multi-chain web3 utility hub offering comprehensive services such as Web3 Name Service, NFT Aggregator, Launchpad, Bridges, and Swaps. The platform is operational across 39 chains, with more integrations on the horizon.

Join us to participate in exclusive quests from Tier 1 Blockchains and receive airdrops from both our partners and us.

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Recommended reading

Accessing the crypto landscape is not as easy or user-friendly as we like, this is why we picked out a few articles to walk you through accessing the Rootstock ecosystem:

Looking for more tips and tricks? Join the Rootstock community on Discord and get your questions answered.