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The number of transactions per second executable on the RSK platform is determined by the block gas limit and the average block rate. The current average block rate is one block every 30 seconds. At each mined block, the miner can vote to increase the block gas limit. Currently the block gas limit is 6.8M gas units per block. A simple RBTC transaction consumes 21K gas, so the RSK platform can execute 11 transactions per second today. This limit could increase in the future as there are several improvement proposals that lower the resources required to process transactions on the RSK network.
For example, RSKIP04 enables parallel processing of transactions. If the proposal is accepted by the community, the block gas limit could easily double.
Both the LTCP protocol, as described in the white-paper and in RSKIP53, and the shrinking-chain scaling technique could result in a ten-fold reduction in the amount of space required.
If these proposals are accepted by the community, transaction speeds could be expected to reach 100 transactions per second.
Beta releases of improved RSK nodes have been tested to accommodate 100 tx/s without incident. As the technology improves, transactions per second may similarly increase. The goal of RSK Labs is to reach up to 20,000 tx/sec using its Lumino technology, which is a second layer off-chain payment network that will be embedded on RSK’s reference node in the following release.
On average, the network currently generates a block every 30 seconds. Miners can reduce the average block time to 15 seconds by optimizing their merge-mining operations. Systems that receive payments over RSK in exchange for a good or service outside the RSK blockchain should wait a variable number of confirmation blocks, depending on the amount involved in the payments. A minimum of 12 confirmations is recomended, which corresponds to an average delay of 6 minutes.
The RSK network is highly compatible with the Ethereum network at various layers:
Virtual machine is EVM compatible
Interprocess connectivity is JSON-RPC compatible
Smart contract programming language – Solidity is supported
Javascript programming interface – web3.js is supported.
RSK Virtual Machine (RSKVM) is highly compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), but the RSKVM offers additional features not present in the EVM. To make use of these improvements, some changes to the smart contract source code are required. Furthermore, the RSKVM has specific precompiled contracts that provide the bridging functionality with Bitcoin. Approximately once a year, the Ethereum community performs a hard-fork to add new functionality. The RSK community has, in the past, incorporated these changes through corresponding hard forks on the RSK network. These trends are expected to continue in the future.
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